"The contents of this Web site are mine personally and do not reflect any position of the U.S. Government or the Peace Corps"
That is the first word that comes to mind when someone asks me how I am. The last couple months have been crazy and its all come down to this moment of arriving in Ecuador. Here I was, living back at home after my amazing experience at Shelburne Farms with no idea of what my next step would be. Christmas eve arrived and I received a package in the mail from Peace Corps. I was accepted after almost a year of application process. I not only was accepted but I was invited to serve in Ecuador, a country I always wanted to vist. Now, five short weeks later here I am sitting in Tumbaco, a suburb outside of Quito. I am sitting at amost 8,000 feet of the andes and it is nothing less than breathtaking. I woke up this morning and heard birds and felt a warm breeze. It has been so long since that has happened I couldn't help but smile.
I can't deny that I am nervous and scared because I am. However, I have already met some fantastic people and formed bonds with so many of my fellow Peace Corps trainees. It was so hard to say goodbye to all those that I love. It was so hard to say goodbye to to Vermont. I mean when I was leaving the airport I was bawling in the arms of my daddy like a little girl. The security guys had to give me tissues and comfort me, but I made it. I'm here. I have gotten through the first hurtle and even though I know there are so many more to come, I am confident that I can do it.
I left with this: A Native American friend of mine in New Mexico once told me that goodbye doesn't exist in their language, only see you soon. So even though I will miss my friends and family with my whole heart, I will see them soon. No matter where we are in the world, we will always hold a special place in each others hearts, which no distance can change.
Stay tuned for more! Ecspecially since I will be going to my host family's house tomorrow!!!
All my love
How true... we do not say goodbye but instead, we will see each other again, soon!
ReplyDeleteI knew you would start enjoying your journey once you had a chance to mingle with your fellow Peace Corps travellers. Sounds like you are settling in nicely and gaining confidence in yourself, yeah!
You are the little train that could. It is not, I think I can, I think I can; for you it is I know I can, I know I can!
Lots of love from the snowy land of Vermont... Dad xoxo...
Mama loves you!!!!
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ReplyDeletePaigey Love...you have asked me from the beginning if I thought you could do this...THE PEACE CORP!! The first thing that I remembered was you @ 10 years old...telling the flight attendants where to take you BECAUSE you insisted on being at the right gate at the right time!! WHO TAUGHT YOU THAT??? Certainly not...Dad or me!! That was YOU!! You are a wonderful human being...caring...loving...nurturing...all the things that the people you will work with will need. Do yourself a favor...just follow your heart...no worries about anything else. I LOVE YOU MORE THAN ANYTHING OR ANYONE!!! Mama xoxo...
ReplyDeleteFebruary 16, 2011 6:59 PM